
Withdraw from Xterio Chain (BNB)

Bridging assets from Xterio Chain (BNB) takes around 7 days.

To bridge funds from Xterio Chain (BNB) you can use our Bridge (Mainnet / Testnet). The whole process requires two steps, the two-step withdrawal process is designed to ensure the safety and integrity of cross-chain transactions.

Step 1: Initiate withdrawal

First, Connect your wallet (Mainnet / Testnet) to the Xterio Chain (BNB) to the Xterio Bridge. Make sure you've already switched the network to Xterio Chain (BNB).

Then, fill in the amount of BNB that you want to bridge. Ensure you have a positive balance of BNB on the Xterio Chain (BNB).

Click on Withdraw and wait for the transaction to go through.

When the transaction is successful, the transaction details can be seen by clicking on the Activity.

Click on Withdrawn, it will jump to transaction detials page.

Understand the individual status of withdrawals

Stage 1: Waiting for state root to be published

State root is a cryptographic commitment to the entire state of the L2 system at a specific block height. This root is then published to the L1 blockchain, where it is secured by L1's consensus mechanism and can be challenged later.

Stage 2: Ready for prove

After waiting for the time displayed, your transaction should be on the stage of "Ready for prove". Click on the Prove button and submit a transaction, this will turn to Stage 3.

Stage 3: Waiting for challenge period.

Challenge period (opens in a new tab) is crucial for ensuring the integrity and security of the transactions. The challenge period may last for 7 days in mainnet.

Stage 4: Finalise withdrawal

7 days later, the withdrawal is deemed valid and is finalized on the blockchain. Click on Finalize in the transaction status page to complete the withdrawal finalization process.

You should see the funds in your wallet on the BNB Chain network shortly.